If you would like to do something a little out of the ordinary for team-building at your company and you’ve already completed all the courses at ParaPark, don’t worry, ParaPoly will offer similar exciting challenges. Add a little sightseeing to your team-building, think about the next puzzle while you walk around and if you’re feeling tired, sit down to give it some thought while enjoying a cup of coffee or a pint of beer. Maybe you would like to form several teams with your colleagues and see which of them is the best at working together. However, unlike in an escape room, here you will need a little more than cleverness, how fast someone can or is willing to walk may make a difference as well. Whether you are quick or comfortable, know one another well or are practically strangers, the game will allow you to get to know your team and their hidden talents a little better. If you get stuck, feel free to take a breather and have a little team meeting in a pub or cafe.
What are you waiting for? Join the most mysterious game in Mannheim!